michael grande

Changing Our Perception of Education

Serial entrepreneur, creator of the the worlds first U.S. Patented virtual music lesson platform; Rock Out Loud Live, music educator of 35-years, and the founder of 3 east coast music schools where he employs 40 music coaches who coach over 500 students across the 3 schools; The Staten Island School of Rock in New York City, (no association with the School of Rock franchise), Rock Out Loud in Morganville, New Jersey, and The Music Box in Tampa, Florida.


To offer an alternative approach on how to educate our children while focusing on their individual strengths and learning language and not rely on standardize testing.


Our audience is as diverse as our children. Colleges, Music Schools and Institutions can greatly benefit from Michael's presentation on the alternative approach of 'Coaching'.


People do not remember what they have been taught, they remember how they were treated. Our goal as Coaches is to bridge that gap and inspire children to want to learn.

Can YOU answer this question?:

What was the name of your grade school teacher who taught you how to read?

Michael is the owner of 3 Music Schools

Located in New York City,
The Staten Island School of Rock has been in business since 2004, and has taught over 10,000 students how to play a musical instrument.

Rock Out Loud is the newest music school to open in the State of New Jersey and has outpaced any Music School when it comes to student retention and enrollment.

Located in Tampa Florida,
The Music Box combines State of the Art Equipment to help facilitate the entire Music Lesson experience, including our Live Streaming Band Events.



Rock Out Loud Live
Music Educators Premier Music Lesson Platform.

Rock Out Loud Live, the worlds first U.S. Patented Virtual Music Lesson platform hosting music lessons in 174 countries and averages 1.8 million minutes of music lessons per month.


Card Chords
An interactive flash card
designed for music teachers and
beginner guitarists.

Rock City Central
A Podcast that Celebrates
Todays Entrepreneurs

A YouTube channel dedicated to celebrating local Entrepreneurs. 

The journey starts by taking one step at a time. Join Michael Grande as he interviews todays most successful entrepreneurs. Listen to the stories and challenges business owners faced throughout their journey while building their businesses. 
You’ll see the path is never straight, and the obstacles we face make us stronger. Every story is here to inspire you and let you know you are not alone. 

About Your Host


Michael Grande

Musician | entrepreneur | creator | writer | Speaker

After spending time in Rwanda teaching music Teachers how to become Coaches, Michael quickly learned that Coaching is not cultural, rather it is universal.
After the Minister of Education of Rwanda agreed to incorporate Michael’s Coaching techniques and strategies, he felt it was time to share his methods of Coaching with others.
In September 2023 Michael released his self-published book;
From Teacher to Coach
(And why you would NEVER want to be a Teacher).

Take a moment and watch Michael explain his concept of Coaching.
Most people associate ‘Coaches’ with sports.
But when we dig deep and define the difference between a ‘Coach’ and a ‘Teacher’ we learn that parents prefer their children to have a Coach and not a Teacher educate them.
Which do you prefer?

© The Grandeman 2024. All rights reserved. This website was created with a lot of ♥